Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Utar Kampar Run 2016

Utar Kampar Run 2016

Date: 23rd October 2016 (Sunday)

Venue: UTAR Sports Complex, Kampar

Distance: 12km

Entry Fees:  RM40 - Early bird (b4 22th Aug)  ||  RM45 - Normal Rate

Registration ---> CLICK HERE

Closing Date: 23th September 2016 or upon achieving 1500 participants.

- Cash prizes for first 3 overall male finishers and first 3 overall female finishers.
- Trophies for the first 10 in each category
- Finishers’ medals for the first 150 in each category

Runner's Entitlement:
- t-shirt
- goodies bag
- light refreshment
- cert

Contact Person:
- Mr. S. Theva Das, Tel: 05-4688888 Ext: 2281, H/P: 013-5210417
- Mr. Wong Wen Keat, Tel: none, H/P: 016-6036728

Facebook ---> CLICK HERE



    this is the form update, please register with the link provided. Thanks.
