Nilai Charity Run 2016
Date: 28th August 2016 (Sunday)
Venue: Nilai Medical Centre, Nilai
Distance: 10km & 5km
Code A - Men Open/School Boys (10km)
Code B - Women Open/School Girls (10km)
Code C - Men Open/School Boys (5km)
Code D - Women Open/School Girls (5km)
Entry Fees: RM35 (inclusive of t-shrit) - all categories
Registration ---> CLICK HERE
10km - 7am
5km - 7.15am
1) Online Banking ; LIONS CLUB OF NILAI , AMBANK Account No : 888-101-462-6646
Upon payment made, please forward a copy of receipt as proof to teongyenlim@hotmail.com
2) Walk in Banking - Please make payment over Giant Nilai counter
The confirmation of participation is only valid once the payment on the registration fees is received and processed. After bank-in, please scan/save a copy of the bank-in slip form or receipt of payment, and e-mail it to the registration committee with the subject (title) "ONLINE REGISTRATION- (PARTICIPANT'S NAME)" teongyenlim@hotmail.com
Further Inquiries - email - teongyenlim@hotmail.com or 012-2133119.
Facebook ---> CLICK HERE

About The Run-
Nilai Charity Run 2016 is an event that led by Lions Club of
Nilai, with co-organizer Inti International University Leo Club, Nilai
Campus and Nilai Medical Centre, with a purpose to raise fund for 10
poor families in Nilai area.
The surplus from this event will be fully channelled to benefit the
10 identified poor families. It will be a subsidy of RM100 each month
for a family and it will last till funds finished. The more funds we
raise means we will be of helping them longer.
Run for a cause!
Your support to our function will be greatly appreciated.
Organizing Chairperson Lion Lim Teong Yen (012-2133119)
Vice Organizing Chairperson Leo William (017-6640147)
Vice Organizing Chairperson Mr Vincent Wan (012-6838870)
Lions Sponsorship Coordinator Lion Wong Kok Meng (012-6011612)
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