Date: 27th August 2016, (Saturday)
Venue: Clock Tower, Fraser Hill
Distance : 70km | 22 km
Entry Fees :
Fraser 70 - Public - RM200 (early bird) || RM230(normal) || RM250 (late entry)
Fraser 70 - Mura Members - RM180 (early bird) || RM200(normal) || RM230 (late entry)
Fraser 22 - Public - RM100 (early bird) || RM130(normal) || RM160 (late entry)
Fraser 22 - Mura Members - RM80 (early bird) || RM100(normal) || RM140 (late entry)
Registration ---> CLICK HERE
Facebook ---> CLICK HERE
Course Profile (Fraser 70):
Cut Off Time: 12 hours
Elevation: 1100 Gain / Loss
Starting at the clock tower at the top of Fraser Hill, the runners will
descend 11km from the hill top down to Route 55, followed by 22km of
gradual downhill along Route 55 towards the Kota Kubu Bahru. At the 37km
point where Splash Information Centre at Sungai Selangor Dam is
located, the runners will make a U turn to run back 33km to the Clock
Tower at the top of the Fraser Hill.
Course Profile (Fraser 22):
Cut Off Time: 5 hours
Elevation: 500m Gain / Loss
Starting at the Clock Tower on top of Fraser Hill, the runners will run
for about 2.5 km around the top of the hill, before descending the one
way road for 11.5km to the junction at Route 55. There will be a water
station here, and the runners will turn right into the one way road back
up by 8km to arrive at the finish point at the Clock Tower.
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