Date: 12th March 2016 (Saturday)
Venue: UPM Sports Centre ,Serdang.
Distance: 7km & 5km
Entry Fees -
Public/Staff : RM30/person
Kids (6-17 years old) : RM15/person
Student: RM15/person
*Buddies (2 persons): RM50/pair
*Group (10 person) : RM270
Early bird promotion
30% off for any category
Register within 18 January 2015-22February 2016
30% off for any category
Register within 18 January 2015-22February 2016
Registration / Inquiry:
012-2416468 (Pn. Nooraini)
012- 273 0871(Pn. Emi)
03-89472124 (Pn. Nurul)
03-89471938 (Dr. Maria)
or email us at:
Prizes -
7km Run
1. RM500
2. RM300
3. RM100
for two categories (male and female)
5km Fun Run
Exciting souvenirs will be given to the first 50 winners.
Facebook - ---> CLICK HERE
012-2416468 (Pn. Nooraini)
012- 273 0871(Pn. Emi)
03-89472124 (Pn. Nurul)
03-89471938 (Dr. Maria)
or email us at:
Prizes -
7km Run
1. RM500
2. RM300
3. RM100
for two categories (male and female)
5km Fun Run
Exciting souvenirs will be given to the first 50 winners.
Facebook - ---> CLICK HERE
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